Brays Oaks Secondary
Pulse Check

Your organization does not have an active pulse check right now, your next one is scheduled for February 27, 2025. BRAYS OAKS SECONDARY has already received the report for the most recent pulse check. Your responses will be shared with them, but if you have an urgent need you will want to share it directly with BRAYS OAKS SECONDARY.

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Celebrate the good with praise

Recognize or encourage specific people. Share improvements you’ve noticed or what you are loving about your current experience! Here’s an example:

“Thank you for helping me feel supported. From the moment I joined, there has not been a day that I have felt unsupported.”

Share your feedback and needs

"Share your needs, insights, ideas, feedback, and concerns. You can share what you need in terms of resources, equipment, or support. Ask for help or ask to be contacted. Here's an example:"

“We still aren't understanding how the new platform works. We are going to need someone to help us navigate it.”

Ask questions!

If you need more communication on a certain topic or are looking for answers, this is the perfect place to ask a question! Share your name if you expect follow up.

“There was an update in a recent newsletter and I'd love a follow up conversation about it.”

What happens with my feedback?

Possip’s team of reporters deliver feedback reports to your organization within 48 business hours of the Pulse Check. If you are expecting follow-up, be sure to share your name when asked at the end of the Pulse Check.

How often do I get a Pulse Check?

These surveys happen routinely — that’s why we call it a Pulse Check.
You may get your Pulse Check weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

Why am I getting the same questions each Pulse Check?

A Pulse Check is about a snapshot in time — like taking your Pulse. Are you happy with your experience this week? Do you have new questions, ideas, and praise since the last Pulse Check? Has something good happened since you last shared? Answering the same questions routinely helps your organization monitor if they are consistently meeting your expectations.

Help Learn More About the Possip Survey